so much to share. so many pictures. so far behind. quick update: we're in chandler, az. we like it. DJ has a job (after much drama). we still own a house in pittsburgh. more to come on all of that later.
for now, here is a smattering of photos from the last few months in the 'burgh. I just couldn't let it go undocumented.
mack's 18 month doctor's appointment. he's still big (98th percentile for weight, people, 90th for height, and 95th for head size. yup. huge.), still healthy, and generally pretty happy. oh yes, and he really likes cars.

we enjoyed every last minute of the children's museum. the brio train set was the favorite, by far.

mackay loves daddy.

and rocket...

while DJ was studying for boards part two, mack and I jumped in the car and took off for Brooklyn, NY. we spent a weekend with uncle stevie, and enjoyed every last second.

mack thought 5am was an acceptable waking time...

so we spent each morning wandering the streets of brooklyn, watching the cars go by, playing with his blue ball, and waiting until an appropriate hour to be awake in my single brother's apartment.

we attempted some 18 month photos, and got a couple.

but mostly, mack watched the birds,

played with uncle stevie,

threw rocks,

and ran away.

nice try, though. maybe his two year photos will go better... :)
leaving the city during the bomb scare in times square. sat in traffic in manhattan for two hours. lovely.

once we returned, we enjoyed every last second in pittsburgh. take a look at this yummy little place:

they were good. trust me.
mack found lots of "yewow" (yellow), and I followed him around while he explored.

oh yes, and he gave his signature glare to anyone who dared cross him.

we did take some time to relax in grubby clothes, and unkempt hair. mack looks especially cute with in his unkempt-ness.

we spent the "final evening" with some close friends (I'm tearing up just thinking about it. really. right now I have tears in my eyes).

then, we jumped in the car (again) for a day in DC. somehow, these are the only pictures I got. (sorry katie and jeff!)

...and after 24 hours in our nation's capital, we made our way north to the big apple (... again). as you can see, this is old hat for mack.

we met up with our good friends for our third annual Memorial Day trip (1. pittsburgh, 2. boston, 3. new york. woohoo!). this trip was much more "sight see-ey" than my previous one, and kristen and I got to whip out our cameras quite a bit, so hold on to your britches.
brooklyn bridge:

manhattan temple:

central park:

central park playground:

giant piano in FAO Schwartz (photos by the deej):

ground zero (again, by the deej):

high line park:

chelsea market (obviously):

a really, really long line at TKTS...

to spend an evening at the lincoln center...

seeing this.

I loved it. I have a friend from college who is in the show, but unfortunately, we missed him that evening, and saw his understudy instead. dang.
after the show, we met our husbands in times square.

we may have spent quite a bit of time dragging them around taking pictures... maybe. they're good sports, and these pictures are a testament of how much they love us. :)

(see the taxi driving by?)

grand central...

then comes the drive home. mack experienced many different emotions on the way (actually he's becomes obsessed with seeing his picture on the back of the camera once it's taken. so we took lots to keep him happy. :) ).

back home again. what do we do? we hike. ohiopyle was amazingly beautiful.

as you can see, the kiddos got a little tired by the end. what good sports. :)

then came the horrible task of saying goodbye to the people and places we love the most.

goodbye pittsburgh. we miss you so much already. can't wait to see you again.
ummm, did you make it? I'll try not to do that to you again. :)
Wow! Looks like you really enjoyed your time on the East coast. I guess its time for more adventures. I can't even imagine being at the point of graduating and leaving our current home...but I'm sure it will be here before we know it.
I made it. I always love looking at your pictures. Sounds like you made the most of your last weeks in Pittsburgh. I'm sorry about your house still being here, but was glad to hear you are liking AZ.
That was quite a post! I'm impressed that you are patient enough to load that many pictures and get them in order! :) We miss you here too!!!
Looking at those pictures was quite the rollercoaster of emotions!!! I cried, laughed, was like a good chick flick:) Miss you guys tons!
Life is so good! Great post... lots of good times and lots to come, Libby!
I miss Pittsburgh for you... and me. Such a fun place to visit. You'll go back sometime, I think...
so many great photos. great times!
sweet post. I don't blame you for having tears. So many wonderful memories in the places your family grew together.
Wow that was quite a post...but your excellent photography made it way fun!
Mack is so adorable! I can't believe
#1 How big he is. He is like a little man. So adorable
#2 How much thick hair he has (which you style so nicely)
#3 How well documented he is which is completely understandable. :)
So fun to see all of that.
So good to have you here at our home for a day or two. And, the Mackster. Missed the DEEJ.
Don't worry, I totally made it through your whole post. And I enjoyed it. :) I just told Danny that I would consider Pittsburgh just because you loved it so much. Have you come and gone?
so did i ever tell you that a bunch of my pics from new york got messed up on that stupid memory card i had? still mad about that...
but WOW. that was the longest post i've ever seen and i loved ALL of it. so glad you guys are alive! i'm ready to play again...
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