no excuses for how far behind I am. although I do think I have a few pretty good reasons. I hope you don't mind lots of pictures from the last few months.
am I even nearly caught up? not a chance. but here are a few things I want to remember:
soccer games in the park behind the Waterfront Marriott.

they start out so well with heisman-trophy-like poses,

head to head battles,

and soccer ball throwing hey days...

then they start going down hill...

and end up with a pouty face on the ground, something like this:

still totally worth it.
my little sun glasses stealer. he doesn't like to leave them on for longer than about two seconds, but he loves them none-the-less.

evening outings to this restaurant and that as a family.

easter egg hunts in the park.

mack definitely got the concept, but he didn't quite feel the need to hurry.

instead he clapped the eggs together, and watched as other kiddos ran after the eggs.

as soon as he found out there was candy inside, it was over.

he spent the rest of the hunt enjoying his spoils...

we had a few good zoo/aquarium days with some of macko's little friends. I already miss these little boys (not to mention their mothers!) so much!!

look at those huge fish. amazing, right?

of course, we enjoyed the children's museum... about a million times. I love that place. look at my little jedi. he's the cutest.

and, we enjoyed as much of the good weather as we possibly could. mack even sported his new "fwih fwahs." can you see the roll on his ankle? that's some yummy chubbiness.

mack continues to love the food.

and his blankie.

and I continue to love this lady...

...and the cabaret she puts on every year.

it couldn't be more fun. :)

and, of course, mack gives us not-so-subtle reminders of the things we should be doing.

he found my signs from primary, and every once in a while, he chooses out this sign to run around with. good reminder, eh?

I love every minute with this little guy. he has his crazy moments, but it makes the sweet moments that much sweeter...

*photo taken by keri*
I'm still playing the catch up game, so see you back soon. :)
I'm still so sad we moved away just as your fam was moving in.... We won't be back in AZ until sometime around the holidays. :( Drennan will be 6 months old by then! I so wish you were here to take his newborn shots....
But I'm thinking once we figure out for sure when we'll be in AZ, maybe I can schedule family pictures with you again?
Oh he is sucha solid cute little chunkster!! He's like half your size already! So you're not that far behind, Easter was just a few weeks ago, right :) I'm sure life has been crazy hope you guys are getting settled in a little. Is your blog un-privatized? I didn't have to log in, thought I'd tell you in case it was accidental, but maybe I was logged in already and didn't know it..
Glad you posted some new pictures... I love them all. Especially the Heisman pose. Such cuteness.
I miss you. It makes my heart hurt. :(
You're little guy is SO adorable, Libby! AND, you are SO great with a camera - get it girl! Haha...
I'm so glad to see you're doing well! :)
- Linze
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