we have been busy. really, really busy. doing what, you ask? shooting, of course, but that's not all. the man of the house is in his final semester of graduate school, and he's wrapping up classes, board examinations, and job searches, and we're wrapping up city searches, house/apartment/condo hunting (or just starting!), and our biggest project: selling our house. we've had six showings in the last seven days which means lots of cleaning, lots of "please don't touch that, mack," and lots of escaping the house in order to keep it in tip top shape. it's all paying off as the offers are coming in... thank heavens. but, in the mean time, we've been thrifting, garage selling, and estate selling. my latest find is a pair of chairs I got for $2.50 each. I cleaned, painted, and scuffed 'em up a little, and I came out with cute little photo prop chairs. see?

...and a wreath I made a few weeks back to top it all off.

I've never considered myself much of a crafter, but I've been inspired by the author of Life in the Pitts (who happens to be a friend), so I'm exploring my crafty side a little more lately... even if everything I make does end up being for photo sessions. hey, I have my obsessions, right? I've got to make it all work. :)
I know I just posted this on my photo blog, but it's part of my day to day life, so I posted it twice. sorry for the repeat!
Wowzer... for a busy busy woman you sure are finding time to do an awful lot! We're sure thinking of you... lots of changes in the next few months... exciting!!
LOVE them. And, I love that they were garage sale items...tis the season. I can't wait to hit a few sales soon. Way to go!
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