Monday, October 10, 2011

cotton fields.

there is so much to catch up on I don't even know where to begin. I've been keeping up with my picture a day project, but I'm afraid no one wants to see almost FIVE months worth of my daily photos. 
that's a lot. 
too much. 
so, I'll share bits and pieces of our last five months, but for now, please see below for the beautiful cotton fields of arizona, and my cute little boys (and incredibly handsome husband).
{any photo in which I appear was taken by the incredible beth curtis.  all post-processing done by me.}


  1. Super cute pictures of the family! Your boys are so dang cute!

  2. sooooo cute! IT'S ABOUT TIME :) I want moooooooooore

  3. First, I love the nursery! Amazing work friend. Before and afters are impressive. Second, I can't believe how big little Grey is??! You should really post more pictures. It goes without saying Mack looks like a little frandsen, so much that I was surprised by how much Grey looks like DJ! All sides counted for and oh so handsome, y'all are a good looking bunch.

  4. they are too cute. So, I guess Grey looks like DJ & Mack is your family huh? so adorable. You look great too. What a cute fam :)

  5. Grey is absolutely darling! I love love the photos. You can definitely post more without bothering anyone I think...!

  6. Yeah Libby...more Grey. He's going to be jealous considering how many pictures you have of Mack on here. Time to play catchup! :)

  7. LOVE these! It's hard to get family pictures of your family when you're a photographer. Your boys are so cute! Your youngest looks so big, I swear you just had him! =)

  8. So glad to see you posting again. Arizona looks beautiful and so do you and your family of course!

  9. Yea for getting to see what Grey looks like these days!! My favorite picture is the one with all three boys looking at the camera cause you can see all their blue eyes, like three peas in a pod. So cute!

  10. i can't believe how big grey is!!!! those pictures are so darling. cute cute family.

  11. So cute! I love them. We need to take some pictures of our family so bad!

  12. Love the setting... and those clouds look unreal... so pretty.

    And Holy Blue Eyes!! So fun to see the boys all together.

    Hope you got something good of everyone together???

    More posts! More posts!

  13. BEAUTIFUL. All of yall. Oh how I miss you. I really really want a girls' weekend this month. I will miss that. When can we next???? Don't say Christmas...

  14. wow libs. you all have beautiful eyes!! miss you!

  15. It's about time! I hardly recognized Grey. So grown up and handsome. Love all the pics. I agree with Jill though, you better get some more photos of Grey posted ASAP. As a second child who wondered at one point if I was adopted because of a lack of baby photos, I highly recommend it. :) So glad to see you back in action.

  16. SO SO cute!! Seriously! Where did you take these btw? That field is amazing. I need it.

  17. My friend'm from Brazil - and his family very beautiful that-God - bless you with your family
