I have a neurotic dog.
Lovable, but neurotic.
Apparently, it's super important to him to be in on the action at all times. This little clansman follows both DJ and I everywhere we go, including up to our bedroom where he sleeps at nights (don't judge me non-pet-lovers). Consequently, it seemed strange the other night not to hearing his "troskying" (as DJ calls it) down our laminate wood floors as we were getting ready for bed. Both DJ and I called for him... and called again... and again. I could have sworn I could hear his little feet around the corner outside our bedroom, but couldn't seem to figure out why he wouldn't come in. I walked around the corner to find Reggie striking his "I didn't mean to do it, please don't be mad" pose, and I started to get nervous. What had happened downstairs? Had he torn apart my grandma's rug? Eaten the cord on my beloved electric baby grand (my parents' graduation/christmas/birthday present last year)? Gone to the bathroom on our new couch? So, I ran down the stairs to find... nothing. Not a thing. Confused, I walked upstairs and tried to coax Reggie to come into our room, but he was not budging, and looking scared as ever. Then I saw it. The technologies. The big, scary, mean vacuum was sitting in the middle of the hallway, and precluding Reggie from making his way to bed. Each time the vacuum starts, Reggie peels out on our wood floor and bolts for the opposite side of the room. I wasn't aware he was equally as scared of the vacuum when it was off. Oh boy. DJ believes in getting over any fear of anything rather than letting it rule you, so he coaxed Reggie for a good five minutes before he slinked up to the vacuum, then booked it for our bed. Like I said: neurotic. Other things that scare Reggie: DJ's scooter, plastic garbage bags being shaken out, the shovel, and beeping sounds. What would cause such a cute little dog to be so completely crazy? Was it something we did?Lovable, but neurotic.
I miss cute little Reggie, neurotic or not. I miss him sitting on my feet. I'm pretty sure Stephen doesn't miss him though.
First of all, Reggie is so darling! How does he do with the new baby?
Second of all, I just read the story of how Mack came to be and cried my eyes out (yes, at work). Thank goodness the cleaners brought us tissues yesterday. What a sweet story and I love how you wrote it in the 3rd person. I am glad you are all doing well, see you Saturday.
aww very cute dog..some dogs are just scared of random things. of course, those things do make sense, and they do make noise..
What? No pictures of Mack??
I guess I should just be thankful for a post :)!
I'd be afraid of the vacuum, too.
Lulu sleeps in our room too - aubrey was never allowed to, but we let our dog, kinda sad!
Poor reggie- I wonder what he imagines the vaccuum would do that makes him so scared. I wish Morgan would get a little more fear of the vaccuum. she loves it and always tries to sit on it while I am vaccuumin!
umm i sort of can't believe that you, libby frandsen, let a dog sleep in your bed...
Definitely not IN the bed, ON it maybe, but IN is a completely different ballgame. No, no. Not in.
reggie is scared of me...
That's funny! Reggie's a pretty dog.
What is the world coming to? The dogs. Here you have a beautiful baby to write about and you choose Reggie! More on the baby!
Oh, don't even get me started on Neurotic...I think every dog has a bit of neuroticism in them. If Bubba covers his head with a pillow Ollie digs and bites at it, pretty much freaking out, until he "finds" him. It's pretty hilarious. Oh, and he watches TV. Literally, sits there and watches it. Oh, dogs.
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