I love to be inspired. It is one of my favorite feelings. Not your usual 'church' kind of inspired (don't get me wrong, I like that too), but the kind that makes you want to jump up and learn something new, sign up for a class, revisit something you haven't done in a while, etc. Lately I have been inspired by a lot of things.
The first is the inspiration (remember, not the church kind) to write on my blog again. Work has slowed down a little lately (a welcome break to the usual craziness), and I have been combing through some of my family and friends' blogs during my free time. To be honest, I don't like to comment on blogs, because I'm no good at sparking conversation, so I always end up killing the thread. It's a curse. So, I'm somewhat of a lurker. But, the blogs I have been lurking on have inspired me. Hence, the first post in months on my lonely little blog. They inspired me to do other things as well. Take a look (note: some of these links are private... sorry):
The Primary President in my ward inspires me to work on my writing (seriously, check out this post, it's quite something).
My brother and sister-in-law inspire me to expand my listening selections, among countless other things.
My cousin inspires me to be truly fearless.
DJ's Aunt inspires me to be more crafty.
Kristen (a good friend, and fellow dental student--albeit in Boston) makes me want to be a mom RIGHT NOW... what am I saying, I could name ten off the top of my head that do that (paul and amy)! (Don't worry, I won't list all the links, and make you spend your afternoon watching videos of other people's children).
DJ's cousin's wife (I know, I know, I may spend too much time lurking when the explanations become twice removed) inspires me to use my camera more.
My brother inspires me to be more fully invested.
And lastly (I could honestly go on for pages, but I won't make you suffer through), my dad inspires me to serve others.
The inspiration doesn't end there.
I want to be a photographer like this person.
I want to be a designer like this person and this person
For some reason, I am very inspired by paisley lately.
And I'm always inspired by gerber daisies and lilies.
I want to learn about interior design. All about it. Really, I would love to start my own interior design business one day. But first I have to know every thing about it.
I want to be a scriptorian (how does one spell that anyway?).
I want to be as loving as my mom.
I want to be as accepting as my husband.
But, I guess most of all, I want to be happy with the person I am, and inspire those around me to be happy and content.
So much to do, so little time!
What has inspired you lately?
You, Libby Lou! Thanks for a new post... a great preview of inspiration to come!
Also... these California fires that are blazing in the cities near us. I spent tonight condensing our files into an "emergency" file box. I'm thinking about where all our pictures, keepsakes, family history stuff, home videos, etc. etc. are.
It's a good thing to be inspired about emergency preparation, even if it isn't the "feel-good" inspiration.
that is so scary! I have been watching the news in disbelief, hoping you wouldn't be affected... how close are they?
libby - i saw your blog from kristen's - yeah blogs are kind of stalkerish huh :) check out our blog! tklarsen.blogspot.com. how's pittsburgh? we miss seeing you guys!!
- kami (travis's wife!)
libby you are not a stalker! you are too cute. i didn't even know you had a blog! and i totally know about people's lives who i don't even know...haha. i've always wished i could be talented in so many ways like you so thanks for adding me to your list. and we wouldn't mind if you joined the mom club... :)
Libby, you are an inspiration. Our blog is proof of my being inspired by you (yes, finally, the pictures you have been waiting for) :). Thanks for the motivation.
I sometimes wish that I had a superhuman power to turn back time or at least pause it while I learn to be an architect, opera star, photographer, cuisine artist, etc. Wouldn't that be great! I guess it just makes me that much more excited to live vicariously through my children and try to pick up a few more skills along the way. :)
Don't worry, DJ and I are lurkers on your blog too. We have to keep up with all the guys and their families!
I don't know that I actually claim having a blog yet. I'm afraid I don't write often enough to be a blogger. Maybe someday. And, don't you worry, DJ and I will catch up some day! (I think! :)
YEAH! Finally! I'm going there next to check them out... And, you're right about turning back the clock. I think about it a lot. I don't know that I would change anything, but I think I would be like Hermione, and just double up on myself, and try to learn everything!
Hi Libby, I saw you advertise a new post on Amy's new post. I decided to take a peak, hope you don't mind! Your comments are inspiring to me. I always hesitate to comment on some blogs because too often my tone is misconstrued and I end up making someone feel bad....I guess that's the downfall of electronic communication. I much prefer face to face :) I have read comments of yours on Amy and Paul's and I think they are very thoughtful. It's fun to see you are doing well in such a far off place. Is your husband at the same dental school as Bryce Searle?
I'm glad to see you on the blog! Thanks for commenting! It's fun to connect with people I don't usually hear from.
Bryce Searle is actually in Philadelphia, so he's on the other side of Pennsylvania (we're in Pittsburgh). It would be nice to have some fellow Spanish Forkers out here though!
dearest libby: i very much enjoyed this post. so...was this an announcement about having kids? can't wait...
Libby, good post! Now maybe I'll add you to my links since you actually posted something! :) I enjoyed reading about how different people have inspired you lately. Isn't it nice to be surrounded by so many great people with different talents? You are one who has inspired many others too.
I am a little curious though, I'm scared to ask, with is a little oxymoron, since you said you're inspired to be truly fearless. What does that mean? Do I dare ask? That's not very fearless on my part. :)
I am glad to have inspired you to start writing more frequently in your blog! Judging by all that I know about you, I think it is I who will be inspired by just about everything you put on your blog! Keep posting!
Jill... fearless in so many ways.
Libbers... keep up the good work! Your blog is giving me one more reason to stall before cleaning up the house at night!
Stevie- not an announcement. come on, I'll be more creative than that! Plus, when it happens (don't get any ideas, not yet)I want you to hear it from my own two lips!
Jill- I guess you're right, that comment does require further explanation. By fearless I mean I have never once heard you complain. When I heard you describing what you went through to have your kids (all the pricks and pokes, etc), I was truly amazed. This is not even mentioning the fact that you are raising triplets!! All I hear from you is how fun it is--not one complaint about trying to go grocery shopping with four kids under the age of three! So... yeah, I think that qualifies as fearless... don't you? :)
Brooke- welcome! I definitely can't promise inspiration, but I can promise to try to post more often...
Amy- I love a clean house, but some days, anything to keep from cleaning is a good thing, so I'm glad I could help! :)
Ah yes, the pricks and pokes. I forgot I'd given you all of the gory details! I'll have to remember that on days I'm not feeling too fearless!
And I agree, reading blogs is much more fun than cleaning. Friday is my cleaning day, and so far I've only done the dishes. I better get crackin!
libby: ron and shauna are here in nyc. they went to Aida the opera, not the musical (boo, hiss). they brought live horses out on the stage for some triumphant march. only it wasn't so triumphant as they defecated all over the stage. some say it was pomp and circumstance, i say it was more like poop and circumstance. that definitely inspires me. you?
uh, yeah. inspirational. definitely.
Classic Stevie to ruin an inspirational mood with poop.
But I guess we're all inspired by different things...
I was inspired by Stephen's photography. He showed me some of his portfolios...and Peter showed me some of his work too. I love being with Stephen and Peter.
Aside from the Triumphal March, I was inspired by the music in Aida.
I too am inspired by Stephen's photography. I would like to dedicate a wall in my house to his pictures. Some favorites that would make the cut:
1. Grandpa's hands
2. The photo of Grandpa showing his brilliant white hair
3. A Chinese pagoda shot through some trees
4. His favorite fire hydrant picture
5. At least one shot of the NYC. I really like the one of the temple, but I'm sure there are many I haven't seen.
Those are just a few. I would love to look through his portfolios sometime. My brother is quite the photographer!
Feeling inspired lately?? Let us know about your play (in all that spare time you have).
we want a new post!!!!
sodium and chloride.
give us a new post.
okay, okay. it's coming soon.
Yes! I can feel the inspiration from here...
I stole access to your blog from Brooke's...I didn't even know you had one! Keep the entries coming! I am already inspired after reading one!
I found your blog on Gina's page. I am glad I was able to look at it, it's really cute!! You are welcome to look at mine and I am going to add your link to my page if you don't mine.
Any plans for a Thanksgiving report? We missed you at our table... but know you were having fun Jones times in Mesa!
Hi Libby. I just found your blog. You need to convert Lisa. It was so fun to see you and DJ at Thanksgiving. Thanks for coming to the temple with Weston. It is so great to have family support. My friend is running those stories off for me so I will get you copies soon.
Hey Libby i was on Michelle's blog today and saw the link to yours. I am so excited to keep in better touch with you and DJ.
It was so good to see you guys at Thanksgiving.
Happy b-day, yesterday!
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